
Research Project of Sainsbury PLC - Implementing the proposal



Mobile application in field of technology is computer program that is designed in such a manner in which it is been able to run on mobile device like that of tablet, smartphone or even watch. This is slightly different from those that are used in computer or desktop application as they are not been able to run directly on mobile application o devices. This is also been used at time when peoples are purchasing several products and they like to purchase them through online buying. Both buying and selling is easy through invention and more use of these types of mobile application or even desktop one. This will be allowing customers for a good and unique experience aiming at complete satisfaction for them with introduction of variety of facilities. As they could be having access of latest trends in fashion, home appliance or other products anywhere (Yang, 2012). This online shopping will also be providing customers with chance and opportunities in having knowledge about products and service that are trending. So from the view of company it is most essential which is enabling them to get themselves more exposed to market and having greater customer base as well.

In this current research project main aim will be laying down specified impact of mobile application on the shopping experience of customer by analysing Sainsbury PLC. As it could be included that company is been utilising mobile technology in providing better quality of service to customers. It is worth noticing that many number of promotional campaigns are arranged by Sainsbury PLC in indulging into mobile applications for company

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Background of company

Sainsbury PLC was founded in 1869 which is now 2ndlargest chain of supermarkets within UK having about 16.9% share of whole supermarket sector within country. Company present is handling about 1400+ stores in all over country and is having 3 major subsidiary including Sainsbury bank, Agro and convenient stores as well. The owner of company is Qatar investments with about 21.99% of shares and then taking decision of its merger with ASDA forming Sainsbury largest supermarkets. In year 2016-2017 company introduced expanding of its multi-channel strategy including click and collect points, online locations helping in serving their customers and also increasing the geographical area of delivery (Yang and Kim, 2012). All of these steps were made according to their plan of expansion of market share and profits and in order to satisfy customers.

Sainsbury is also operating through is internet or online shopping brand named “Sainsbury’s Online”. With the help of which customer could be able to choose online groceries via their phones and also providing gift card, vouchers and food tokens through this.

Research aim

“To assess the impact of mobile application on the shopping experience of customers: A study on Sainsbury PLC”.

Research objective

  • To identify the key trends which are associated with use of mobile application
  • To evaluate the link between customer shopping and usage of mobile application
  • To determine factors associated with consumer shopping behaviour
  • To recommend ways that allows to improve mobile application development for better shopping experience of customers within Sainsbury PLC.


Within this current era which is mostly including and promoting customers to use mobile technology and helping them to improve their experience of shopping. So companies must be engaging their expertise and qualified staff in regulating use or implementation of mobile technologies or applications. This topic is essential for further research which is including impact of mobile application while using shopping experience of customers study will be based on Sainsbury PLC.

  • What- subject will be based on study related to what effect mobile application is laying on shopping experience of customers that of Sainsbury PLC.
  • How- based on various tools, techniques and methods this study will be based on following their conclusion and recommending part.
  • Why- as the topic is very important to study focusing on technology related to mobile application and how this is helping company to provide experience to customers with help of their purchasing?


Research philosophy

Philosophy will be including use of belief which is revolving around use and interpretation of data that how it should be gathered and analysed as well (Xu, Peak and Prybutok, 2015). Researcher must be selecting correct and proper philosophy that is helping in meeting up of expected and desired outcome or conclusion. So in this current study inductive philosophy is used which is ensuring that results are been generated in proper sense. This will also be assisting in way of explaining major elements of shopping experience and relation to it with use of mobile application.

Research design

Design will be focusing on which type of structure to be followed and how this will be helping in selecting topic and how results are generated in further terms (Eberhardt, 2017). There are many types of research design which could be used helping researcher to finding out results but in this research descriptive method will be used. This descriptive tool will be helping in assisting in meeting standards and ensure that objectives framed for study are being accomplished.

Data collection

With a specific end goal to have successful gathering of information, exhibit study will be centred on essential and optional information accumulation. By having a compelling thought of such qualities the social affair of information can be expert in wanted way. Also, one might say that survey will be encircled based on destinations to help essential information accumulation. Then again, access to differing sources like books, diaries, online sources will be considered variables identified with optional information gathering (Dacko, 2017). Genuine and dependable information will be accumulated with an assistance of optional and essential information gathering. In this, it will be ensure that auxiliary sources got to are identified with versatile application utilize and its effect on client shopping.

Sampling procedure

Keeping in mind the end goal to offer help to essential information the arbitrary inspecting will be considered with the goal that destinations can be proficient. For powerful accumulation of essential data the specialists has concentrated on Sainsbury store, London where reactions will be assembled from 100 clients. By having a successful thought of such measures the result can be refined in wanted way.

Data Analysis

This is important part which would be taking about how data is interpreted and analysed so that researchers are could be generating results and concluding with the collected data. By having a reference of topical approach the information investigation will be considered. In this, unique topics will be confined by the specialists based on survey outlined and destinations. It permits to have noteworthy examination of information gathered and meet the result in wanted way. Data analysis is having variety of tools and methods which are interpreting information like that of qualitative and quantitative (Chang, 2015). But in this current research qualitative is used which is done with making required themes of all questions and then making their interpretation.


Theme 1: Sainsbury is using mobile application on shopping experience for customers







May be




1:Sainsbury is using mobile application on shopping experience for customers

Theme 2: Sainsury’s online is providing Home delivery most



Home Delivery


Wallet option


Feedback from customers


Easy return




2:Sainsury’s online is providing Home delivery most

Theme 3: Location base service is the key trend that is linked to use of mobile application



Location base service


User experience


Mobile convenience




3:Location base service is the key trend that is linked to use of mobile application

Theme 4: Mobile application is enhancing shopping experienceof customers







May be




4: Mobile application is enhancing shopping experience of customers

Theme 5: Lifestyle of customer is the main factor related to shopping behaviour customer













5: Lifestyle of customer is the main factor related to shopping behaviour customer

Theme 6: Mobile application could be improving experience of customer shopping



Pre selection of goods and service offered to them


Providing physical shape for people


Giving information and sales advice to customer


Stocking shelves with good for people to buy




6: Mobile application could be improving experience of customer shopping


Theme 1: Sainsbury is using mobile application on shopping experience for customers


There were about 100 participants who all participated into survey stating some answers to specified question so like that of Sainsbury is using mobile application on shopping experience for customers or not. So 60 among 100 of respondents said that they think company is truly using mobile application that is helping in experience of customers. While 20 of them included that company is not been using this mobile technology at time when customers are shopping. 20 of them were not equally sure that Sainsbury is actually using mobile application or not.

Theme 2: Sainsbury’s online is providing Home delivery most


Customers or respondents were asked that what feature Sainsbury’s online application is provided to them or what not. So majority of participants that is 55 of them included that home delivery is the best feature which Sainsbury’s online app is using which is helping them to provide door to door step delivery of their products whichever customers are ordering. While 15 of them said that wallet option is also been used, 15 of them included use of feedback from customers and easy return is also one of the feature as said by 15 customers.

Theme 3: Location base service is the key trend that is linked to use of mobile application


It was also included to judge that which type of trend is key or major that is linked to use of mobile application. 45 out of 100 participants said that location base service is key trend used in application while 20 of them said that user experience is the trend which is seen in retailing industry and its use of mobile application. Whereas 35 of them also said that mobile convenience could be the trend in retail industry.

Theme 4: Mobile application is enhancing shopping experience of customers


Only using mobile application would not be enough but it is required that shopping experience of customers are getting better and enhancing with its use. So majority of participants which is about 50 of them agreed with the point that use of mobile application is enhancing shopping experience of customers. While 30 of them said that they did not agree or think that mobile application is improving shopping experience of customers. Whereas 20 of them were having no specified idea about whether mobile application is been enlightening experience of customer or not.

Theme 5: Lifestyle of customer is the main factor related to shopping behaviour customer


Shopping behaviour is the most influential factor which is impacting buying decision of customer which is having factors like that of age, lifestyle, occupation, personality, gender and many more. So out of 100 majority which is about 40 of them included that lifestyle is that prime factor or element influencing shopping behaviour of customer. While 20 of them said that age is that factor which is regulating shopping behaviour and 25 of them stated personality as that one factor. While rest of them which is about 15 said that occupation is influencing behaviour of customer at time of shopping.

Theme 6: Mobile application could be improving experience of customer shopping


Now it is required to ask that how mobile application could be helpful in improving experience of customer at time of shopping. So 30 of them included that if company is giving them chance of pre selection that goods and services which are been offered to them. Some of them that are about 20 respondents included that it would be helping in providing physical shape for people. 30 participants also included that giving information and sales advice to customers will getting better experience of shopping. Rest about 20 of them also included that stocking up of shelves with good for people to buy will be helping company to improve experience of customer while shopping.

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From the whole research project which was including discussion about what is the behaviour of customer during their shopping experience. The major factor which was regulated within this study was based on certain factors like that of mobile application, its impact at time of shopping experience. Other than these Sainsbury’s PLC will be main focus as it is including various types of promotional campaigns like that of arranging mobile application of company (Creswell, 2013). In this whole research impact of mobile shopping will be more linked up to key trends like that of related to behaviour of customer. From the above study,it is being expected that key standards of research work will be well maintained in regard to have proper outcome. It has been noticed that experts are focused towards ethical values of research so they have also considered methodology as critical learning. One of key expected outcome of the study is to have understanding about the mobile application. It has been noticed that by having an effective consideration of mobile application use the issues can be resolved in desired manner. In addition to this, it can be said that present study will also provide learning about different trends which are being referred by management of Sainsbury to improve the shopping experience of customers. By having an effective consideration of such values the issues can be resolved so that goals and objectives can be taken into account.

Other than this, it is also being expected from the present report that link between customer shopping and usage of mobile application can also be identified in significant manner. By having an appropriate consideration of such measures business can easily understand the factor that promotes mobile shopping. With an assistance of this, key standards in terms of online shopping the overall valuation can be taken into account. It will assist Sainsbury to have improvement in its process and ensure to meet the standards.


Apart from the conclusion which is been made in above section there are also some important recommendations that are made. These suggestions will be helpful for company like that of Sainsbury PLC that they could be improving their use of technological advancements including mobile application within their working.

Mobile application- this is main essence which must considered by Sainsbury as at present they are using their online application but not much features are been used by company. There is need that they are enabling more and more customized features and elements so that customer are feeling satisfied and happy which is must and important to be included. It was noted that if Sainsbury is using mobile application but not in proper way then it would not be useful for them in way if latest technology is not been implemented.

Post shopping experience-it is importantly noted that post shopping experience of customer and their suggestions are necessary for firm to take so that they could be making required changes. Customer’s feedback is most important for Sainsbury so that improvement is taken place in proper manner. This is easily done when they are having their online presence and customer making purchase with which they are also posting their experience and suggestions and then company is implementing those changes.

Advancements in shopping-this is also required to be included which will be leading to take chance of making latest technological advancements within shopping. All sort of innovations which are taking place in retailing industry like that of location base service, user experience and mobile convenience should be implemented by firm.

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  • Chang, C.C., 2015. Exploring mobile application customer loyalty: The moderating effect of use contexts.Telecommunications Policy.39(8). pp.678-690.
  • Creswell, J. W., 2013. Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 4thed. SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Dacko, S.G., 2017. Enabling smart retail settings via mobile augmented reality shopping apps.Technological Forecasting and Social Change.124. pp.243-256.
  • Eberhardt, T., 2017. Acceptance of SmartphoneBased Mobile Shopping: Mobile Benefits, Customer Characteristics, Perceived Risks, and the Impact of Application Context.Psychology & Marketing.34(2). pp.175-194.
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